Erwin Smit

Erwin Smit

Frontend developer / Fullstack developer

I am a developer with 15 years of experience in creating robust and scalable web applications. My expertise lies in frontend development, though I'm also proficient in server-side languages. I began my career with PHP, but over the past decade I've primarily worked with Node.js & C#. Beyond frontend development, I also have experience in setting up CI/CD pipelines. I'm also skilled with Azure.

I enjoy sharing knowledge and as a result I was awarded Sitecore MVP in 2023.

My main focus is contracting for companies that need help with their frontend development. I also do shorter, smaller projects (and sometimes non-profit). Feel free to reach out if you need help.

My favorite stack is React.js & Typescript, but I can also work with other frameworks like Vuejs, Angular among others.

Recent Projects

RH Marine

Working on new applications using a custom design system.

Responsibility: Lead developer, planning work, coaching internal developers, setting up CI/CD pipelines, backend-for-frontend development with gRPC integration

Client: RH Marine

On behalf of: Freelance

Current project

Next.jsReactTypescriptDesign systemsCI/CDBackend-for-frontendNodejs

VWPFS XM Cloud migration

Led the migration of multiple VWPFS brands (DutchLease, XLLease, etc.) to Sitecore XM Cloud. Built a modern Next.js frontend integrating existing React components, while transitioning backend services from C# to Node.js

Responsibility: Lead developer, frontend architecture, team mentoring

Client: Volkswagen Pon Financial Services

On behalf of: Macaw



VWPFS Online lease calculator

Developed a fleet management portal enabling fleet managers to create lease policies and process driver requests. The drivers also use the portal through a different role to configure and request a new lease car.

Responsibility: Lead developer, built SPA from scratch, implemented multi-theme design system, created CI/CD pipelines and multi-environment infrastructure (DEV/TEST/PROD)

Client: Volkswagen Pon Financial Services

On behalf of: Macaw


ReactStorybookReact RouterViteGraphQLTypeScriptKeycloak

Vorwerk design system

Developed an accessibile and flexible design system for the various Vorwerk brands, including Thermomix and Kobold.

Responsibility: Senior developer, creating a design system in Storybook, working closely with the blended design team.

Client: Vorwerk

On behalf of: Macaw



Noerr corporate website

Developed a new headless corporate website (using Sitercore JSS) for Noerr, a German law firm. The website consumes data from Sitecore, for vacancies it retrieves data from the workday API.

Responsibility: Lead developer, created a design system in Storybook, set up CI/CD.

Client: Noerr

On behalf of: Macaw



Smurfit Kappa accessibility project

Smurfit Kappa wanted to pass the AA level of the WCAG guidelines. Working together with an accessibility agency we made the website accessible.

Responsibility: Senior developer, implementing the changes and testing the website.

Client: Smurfit Kappa

On behalf of: Macaw



Other Clients I've worked for over the years


Nonprofit Projects

Tuinstad Staalwijk website

Built a new website for the local community in my neighborhood, using an easy to use CMS (tinaCMS)

Client: Stichting Comité Tuinstad-Staalwijk

On behalf of: Freelance


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