Journaling my thoughts over the years. Some older posts are not relevant anymore, but I like to keep it around.
RSS FeedNew year, new website
Time to retire the old Gatsby setup and move to Next.js but still use GitHub pages for hosting.
Sitecore XM Cloud multisite styling
How do you conditionally render a stylesheet based on the SXA site
My frontend stack in 2023
My frontend stack in 2023, what are my choices and the reasoning behind them
Speed up Sitecore JSS Next.js local development
When a Sitecore JSS Next.js project grows, performance on local develop can suffer easily. Let's see how running your project in WSL can help.
Block generated domains by Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Static Web Apps creates automatically a domain like "", how can you block this domain on a Hybrid Next.js implementation?
Add caching to Sitecore JSS Next.js public directory
By default assets from the public directory have no cache headers set. Usually you have assets that never change and are quite large in this directory. It's worth fixing this.
Multiline underline transition
To create an underline transition on multiline text links, one solution is to use a pseudo element with a background. This can be further customized with tweaks to the animation flow. Here is an example using React and extending the MUI Link component.
Sitecore JSS Next.js on Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Static Web Apps now support non-static features of Next.js, including Incremental Static Regeneration and Server Side Rendering. Learn more about the steps taken to deploy a Sitecore JSS Next.js project to Azure Static Web Apps, including working around problems encountered.
Sitecore JSS Next.js without Vercel
Yes, you can still run Sitecore JSS Next.js on Azure Functions without Vercel. This can be done with custom Azure Functions and a Azure storage account with a YARP proxy in front of it.
Auto-format typescript with a npm task
To help keep non-JavaScript developers from encountering issues when making changes to a React rendering, a simple npm task can be added to the project's package.json file to automatically format typescript using Prettier and ESLint rules. This keeps the code consistent without requiring additional tooling to be installed.
Create a scalable head for Sitecore JSS
I recently worked on a headless project with Sitecore, the way of working I choose there worked really well in my opinion. In this post, I like to talk about the choices I made and how they helped the team create a good workflow.
Can we keep up with Vercel?
Last year the I spent time getting Sitecore JSS Next.js to work on Azure but encountered issues when updating to Next 12 and with Azure functions v4. I wonder if it's worth maintaining custom hosting solutions for Next.js.
Integrate OrderCloud with Sitecore JSS Next.js
One way of doing this
Add external datasource to Sitecore JSS
Consuming external GraphQL API
Sitecore JSS on Azure Functions
Steps required
Deploy Azure Functions with GitHub Actions using AzCopy
Deploy Azure Functions directly to File Share
Next.js on Azure Functions
How to set up a Next.js custom server hosted on Azure Functions
Speed up your Sitecore React implementation
With 2 easy fixes
Get intellisense on your Stencil webcomponents in VS Code
Using stencil & vscode
How to make your Sitecore SXA site perform
By disabling a big part of sxa...
Exploring the apollo graphql stack
Let's investigate apollo federation first
Creating local npm package for sharing between multiple react applications
Using rollup to create transpiled code
Azure devops create pipeline "Cannot read property 'childFolders' of undefined"
Fix this azure devops bug with some fiddler hackery